Wednesday, 10 October 2012


I know I've already blogged about this but the last few weeks have brought this to the forefront of my mind again.

I was reading a thread that's trending on a parenting website entitled the scarest thing your child has done. There are 4 pages of tales of kids being left on beds and rolling off, climbing onto window ledges, drinking medicine, nearly drowning, getting out on to the road. The parents consol them selfs with the fact that although scary at the time they children walked away with no lasting effects and they accept little or no responsibility for the incident because of corse no one is perfect and we are all human after all.

I wonder how though the thread would have gone had the women who started it instead started it with my child was asleep on the bed so I decided to have a shower and he unexpectedly rolled over fell off the bed hit his head and died- well I kind of know the answer it would have been pages and pages of of parents explaining how preventable the death could have been had that been there child they would be super human and never have made the same decision.

Something that's trending on social media sites is the disappearance of a little 5 year old girl. Lots and lots of people wondering why the child was riding her bike at that time of night, had it been their child she would have been in bed, how therefore the mother should accept a portion of blame for the disappearance of her child. Some even going so far as to say the mother should be thoroughly investigated by social services, questioning her ability to even be a parent.

It's funny how attitudes change though a five year old rides her bike and her path crosses with a man and she doesn't come home - her mum is critised for get decision to let her out
A six year old rides his bike and his path crosses with an elderly neighbour who had fallen- the boy goes for help he is portrayed as a hero his mum is very proud. The same decision just AA different outcome. I guess that's what is making me so cross at the moment. Why do some people continue to make the same decision as I did yet they get to keep their child and use the story as a point if amusement on a website forum. Why didn't I get to keep my girl


  1. Life is unfair. It's hard to understand how we can do everything "right", love our children more than anything else in the world, devote our lives to them and somehow they die. It will never make any sense.

  2. I think what you're touching on is the anger towards bereaved parents. People feel cross with us for letting our children die. It scares them. You often see society turn on the bereaved parents and blame them - think of the McCanns for example.
