Sunday, 28 October 2012

Feeling delicate

A lot of the time I find myself getting upset over stupid people and their stupid remarks. A lot of the time my husband just gives me a side ways look touches me on the shoulder and suggests that maybe I'm just being delicate I can't expect people to understand, he thinks I'm ridiculous for even thinking that they should at least try. I tried to tell him last night how upset I was that a friend of mine after I had plucked up the courage to actually go round her house had spent the whole time telling me how stressful looking for a school place was, it aseingly completely didn't enter her mind that it should have been me looking for a school place for b too. . I left knowing why I hadn't been in contact before and wasn't in a hurry to make contact again. Sometimes with the exception of other bereaved parents who have become like friends to me, I am alone in this. Alone, even with my husband.

In other news I have a job interview in a few weeks, I'm as nervous as hell


  1. My husband used to get cross with me. He was dumbfounded that I cared what x or y had said, when he says, all he could think was that our daughter was gone... and there was I waffling on about some trivial shite.

    I do think there is a gender split in how people deal with their children dying.

    It is very lonely and isolating. Other people get wrapped up in their own problems, and few people can imagine how traumatic this loss is. They think you are over-it-by-now. I'm so sorry xx

  2. I lost many friends when Eva died. Some quickly, some slowly. But I can honestly say I am better off without them now.
