OnApril 22 Rhys at 10 months took his first few tentative steps unadded, we eventually got it on film and just love watching it, the little wobble the big smile the masses of excited dribble.this morning on my Facebook page I found a similar video of B taking her first few steps, it seemed almost funny to me that she too took her first steps in April.
When I was pregnant with Rhys I knew one thing amongst all the uncertainty, he had to be his own person he was in no way a replacement. Yet they are so similar, the toothy grin he gives me, the way he spits fruit out but adores even the smallest amput of cake. His facial expressions his stubbornness his laugh his sense of humour, he is such his own person but yet so similar. Some times those similarities sooth me sometimes they cut my heart like a knife
I totally get this post. Nathan is his own person but I'm amazed how he looks like her. He has a wrinkly left ear that none of the other boys have but is an exact replica of Eva. It feels like having a tangible little piece of her back with me.