Thursday, 8 November 2012

The homework and the conclusion

If your friends with me on facebook you already know half of this story, sorry :) it is still annoying me. Anyway, Jess gets comprehension homework every Monday to be done by the Friday.  As she is sitting her sats next May a lot of this work involves printed sheets with a passage from a story on one side and a few questions on the other.  Jess hates to do homework, but we have got into this routine where she does a question a day and by the Thursday its all done.  Now its taken ages to get into this routine and a lot of nagging but this week she has been reluctant.  Last night after claiming to have spent an hour doing it, I took a look at her progress when she went to bed to find out actually she had done nothing so i took a look and had a read.  The story is based on a brother and sister who go for a walk and the younger sister falls into a pond and nearly drowns, it used sentences like "the water was dark dark drowning" and "she screamed and i could hear the water bubbling in her lungs".  There were pictures as well, and descriptions of panic and screaming and crying.  On the back of the passage were some questions and the last one was "imaging you are in a similar situation, how would you react, how do you think you would feel?" - I kinda flipped my lid a bit baring in mind everything we have been through with the school and school in general I couldn't believe they would be so stupid.  I also couldn't understand why anyway this kind of thing would be given to a 10 year old, and the worst part perhaps is that it is a photocopy from a recommended teacher resource.

Anyway i think Tom had to hold me back from marching straight down the school last night and camping out till this morning so i could tell her stupid teacher what i thought.  I settled for a note not wanting to make a massive scene about it knowing that Jess was upset anyway.  I asked that she be excused from this piece of homework and the lessons next week where they discuss in great detail the homework.  I got a note back saying basically that the teacher hadn't actually even read it before handing it out it had been photocopied and chosen by a teaching assistant,  Jess said that she asked her for the passage so she could read it.  I am currently trying to decided what i do from here.


  1. I think if it were me, I'd set up a meeting with the teacher and the school counselor. I'd voice my concerns about the material and ask that in the future, the teacher be more sensitive about the type of assignments given to Jess.

  2. Her reply pisses me off. She wrote you a note back FFS - what's wrong with picking up the phone. Did she not apologise for the distress? Her reply sounds very defensive. It sounds like she is blaming her assistant too. What sort of teacher hands out an assignment without reading it for goodness sake.

    Poor little Jess - she's now in a class where all her friends have done this assignment. How inappopriate. They are 10 so will know about Breanna I assume - I wonder how they all felt about it. What will it prompt them to say to Jess. I think I would ask for a meeting, and want to discuss how it is handled next week.

    I'm so sorry. What twunts they are. A really difficult and unnecessary situation xx

    1. Yes, yes, everything Susan said. It's not only inappropriate for Jess, it's inappropriate for the whole class.

      *hugs* I can't believe how insensitive people are.

  3. I don't have any advice for you but this sounds like a horrible situation to be in. I'm sorry this had to happen to your family, on top of the Worst Loss.
    Much love, EM
